Sects & cults

means activity in sects or their creation itself. In general, this is behaviour that is fanatical and differentiating from the mainstream. The mentioned signs are just some of the characteristics of the sect as a social group. In the negative sense of the word, a sect is understood to be a closed group of people with strict internal rules, predominantly with a strong charismatic personality at the head. Its functioning is usually based on the cult of personality, fanatical instruction, possession of the Truth, feelings of exceptionality (chosenness, enlightenment, mental-spiritual purity) and on a system of sanctions. Over time, people inside the sect lose their individuality and grow away from the world outside the sect.

The folder in the Czech original contains an introduction of basic concepts and perhaps even slang or sociolect related to the given phenomenon, as well as working and study materials (articles, interviews, presentations,...) and other useful information (films and series, internet portals, books, professional workplaces and organizations, televisual and radio documentaries,...).