The term EMO, derived from the word "emotion", refers to one of the contemporary subcultures whose existence, as the name itself suggests, is primarily based on the search and expression of strong emotions. Its protagonists usually achieve this by listening to emotional music (punk, rock, metal), by dressing in black clothes in combination with bracelets, belts and other metal accessories, or by using expressive make-up and extravagant hairstyles (long side fringe; black-dyed hair, or as the case may be various neon shades). EMO style is sometimes associated with self-harm; it is supposed to be a way to express one of the very strong human emotions – pain –. but also an expression of seeking oneself, one's own misunderstanding, disappointment and disgust with the surrounding world.
The folder in the Czech original contains an introduction of basic concepts and perhaps even slang or sociolect related to the given phenomenon, as well as working and study materials (articles, interviews, presentations,...) and other useful information (films and series, internet portals, books, professional workplaces and organizations, televisual and radio documentaries,...).