Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, bigorexia, drunkorexia, orthorexia and others. In all cases it is a serious mental illness. They do not arise spontaneously, their development is gradual, and a number of contributing factors have an influence on their formation - from a difficult period of life, dictated by ideals of beauty, to disturbances in interpersonal relationships and communication. Their seriousness lies mainly in the fact that the disease affects both the psyche and the body, which often has fatal consequences.
The folder in the Czech original contains an introduction of basic concepts and perhaps even slang or sociolect related to the given phenomenon, as well as working and study materials (articles, interviews, presentations,...) and other useful information (films and series, internet portals, books, professional workplaces and organizations, televisual and radio documentaries,...).