Domestic and sexual violence

This term refers to a violent behaviour between close people who share a common household. However, it is a domestic violence when the behaviour becomes repeated and long-term and it is clear who the victim is. It usually takes place covertly and escalates in frequency and intensity. It can grow from verbal abuse, through social and economic isolation (impose a ban on the contact with other people, cutting off from the financial resources) to sexual, physical and even life-threatening attacks. But let's not imagine only one of the partners to be the victim, there are also children, seniors or persons who are entrusted with care; likewise, almost anyone can be an aggressor.

The folder in the Czech original contains an introduction of basic concepts and perhaps even slang or sociolect related to the given phenomenon, as well as working and study materials (articles, interviews, presentations,...) and other useful information (films and series, internet portals, books, professional workplaces and organizations, televisual and radio documentaries,...).