Behavioural disorders of children and youth

By these disorders we mean long-term patterns of behaviour deviating from social norms (rules, norms of behaviour) that we consider appropriate for a given social and age group. They are difficult to diagnose and are often confused with simple disobedience or bad manners. They manifest themselves by recurrent defiance, aggressiveness towards other people, animals or property, inability to understand and respect authorities, to fully integrate into society, as well as their dishonesty and lying; the theory talks about dissociality. The causes of their occurrence can be physiological even socially conditioned.

The folder in the Czech original contains an introduction of basic concepts and perhaps even slang or sociolect related to the given phenomenon, as well as working and study materials (articles, interviews, presentations,...) and other useful information (films and series, internet portals, books, professional workplaces and organizations, televisual and radio documentaries,...).